
Television Study #3811

Questions marked with a * are required
Contact Information
What is your gender? 
What is your age?
When, if ever, did you last take part in a market research interview, focus group, or online research project? 
Do you or does any member of your household currently work (or did you/they previously work) in a training, teaching, or consulting role associated with any of the following industries or occupations? 
What is the highest level of school you have completed? 
What are the ages of the children 17 or under living in your household? If there are no children 18 or under living in your household, simply say “none.” 
What is your marital status? Are you currently...? 
Into which of the following broad income categories does your total annual household income fall before taxes? Is it…?  
Which of the following best represents your race? Please respond to all that apply. Are you…?   
Do you currently subscribe to cable television, satellite televisionor a telco service where you pay a monthly fee to receive cable/satellite channels? 
Do you regularly watch professionally made content through a streaming service (like, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, or another similar service) or an app provided by a TV channel (like, HBO Max, CBS All Access, or another similar service)? 
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